Outdoor Spotlights VS Outdoor Floodlights Which Is Better?
Landscape gardening lighting is going to require all different types of lighting. Layered, security, accent, wall washing, etc. The two most common types of lights used for garden lighting are flo...

How Many Lumens Do Outdoor LED Floodlights Need?
The number of lumens you need from your floodlight Is determined by what you are using your floodlight for and where it is situated. LED floodlights come in a range of powers and lumens. Ranging f...

How to Choose the Best Outdoor LED Floodlight?
Outdoor LED Floodlights with the correct placement and specifications can provide high-quality light for your commercial or residential property. The best features of LED Floodlights are their bri...

What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages of Motion Sensor Security Lights?
Motion sensor security lights are one of the best home security devices you can purchase. Although they’re definitely needed for the exterior of your home it is important to look at the pros and co...

How Many Lumens Do We Need in the Yard?
When it comes to lighting the exterior of your home there are 3 main benefits you will want from it. General illuminance, allowing you to see clearly reducing the risk for accidents, security light...